יום חמישי, אפריל 20, 2006

Chag HaSuccot 5766

I know it's a bit out of chronological order, but here is a link to a short film I made of our first Succot in Eretz Yisrael.

Click here or on the play button to start film...

(If you can not view the video, then you probably need to install/upgrade to Macromedia Flash 8. It takes only about 20 seconds, and is 100% safe for your computer. CLICK HERE to go to Macromedia's site, then click the DOWNLOAD NOW button, and follow the install instructions.)

Photos From Pesach Chol Hamoed 5766

A picnic we were supposed to go to was cancelled because of rain. With six kids antsy to "doooo somthing" we quickly decided to drive up the the Kinneret (The Sea of Gallilee) and camp (despite the rain.) With no planning and one hour of packing we were on our way. We had a great time!

Here's the crew gathered around the Davidka in Tzfat. The Davidka is a homemade cannon that the Israelis used in the 1948 war for independence. It's effectiveness in intimadating the Arabs was largely due to the incredibly loud sound it made when fired, as opposed to its actual utility as a canon.

This is our kitty, Toolie Cat. He wasn't on the tiyul, but he likes having his picture taken

Naomi is posing infront of the hills of the Golan holding a wild poppy that you are not supposed to pick.

Shoshana at the campgrounds.

Rachel and Bentzion running through the streets of Tzfat.

More views of Tzfat.

Ari and Robbie setting tent along side the Kinneret

Playing with fire! One of the best things about camping for a kid

Naomi overlooking the Kinneret

Ta Daa! Luxury suite accommodations for the night.