The City of David is located to the south, and just outside the walls of the Old City. It is here that King David established his capital over 3,000 years ago. On the tour of the excavations, one can view the walls, towers, fortifications, and dwelling places from the time of David. The tour also includes a 45 minute walk through the elaborate underground water systems. The underground tunnels and chambers were dug thousands of years ago, through solid rock, to carry water from the Gishon Spring into the center of the city.
(click on photos for larger view)
Entering Yechezkiel's Tunnel. This is the underground tunnel that brought water from the Gishon Spring from outside the city walls.
Digital Photo, Sony CybershotWalking through Yechezkiel's Tunnel. The water level varies from ankle deep to waist high. Participants each carry their own flashlights.
Digital Photo, Sony Cybershot
Climing out of Yechezkiel's Tunnel
Digital Photo, Sony Cybershot
Bentzi and a security guard at outside the exit of Yechezkiel's Tunnel.
Canon QL-17. Scan from Film Negative, Fuji Superia 100
Bentzi at The Shiloa Pools. This is where the waters from Yechezkiel's Tunnel arrived inside the city. In Yechezkiels time this whole area whould have been filled with water from the spring.
Canon QL-17. Scan from Film Negative, Fuji Superia 100
Har Hazaytim (The Mount of Olives), as seen from the City of David